School Provision

Why choose One & All Sports?

Through my work within trust of schools and roles within other coaching companies, I am able to offer a breadth of experience developing teaching and learning in PE, supporting staff through high-quality CPD and strive to ensure that the delivery of physical activity in schools is prioritised across all year groups. We recognise the restraints of curriculum budget and timetabling, so our support is tailored to meet the needs of your school and pupils through a wide offer of support, including:

  • PE delivery

  • Holiday club provision

  • Extra-curricular clubs

  • 1:1 or small group coaching staff to deliver high-quality PE lessons in line with your curriculum intent and implementation.

  • High-quality CPD for staff including PE and wider physical activity across the curriculum

  • Support for subject leaders to become "inspection ready" in PE

Our team have the full and relevant safeguarding qualifications.

What other support can we offer?

We are excited to offer subject leadership support around Ofsted readiness ahead of a potential deep dive in PE and this support includes further staff coaching to upskill the leader's articulation of the intent, implementation and impact of PE. Support can also include enabling the leader to write a strong subject leadership action plan, support with planning any further CPD that is needed and access to pupil conferencing and staff confidence audit tools. Following this support, you will receive an impact report that celebrates the strengths of the subject and the impact of the support received from One & All Sports and identifies clear, measurable and achievable next steps; a great further evidence base for high-quality subject leadership development ahead of a possible inspection. Through the use of Sports Premium budget, this is an excellent way to show how the development of PE in your school is made a priority.

PE Delivery & Extra Curricular Activity

Small Group & 1:1 PE